When Students Choose Opportunity Over Loyalty
In the world of martial arts, loyalty has traditionally been an important value. Students are expected to show loyalty to their teachers and to their martial arts community and to stick with their training over the long term. However, in recent years, there has been a growing trend of students switching martial arts schools or abandoning their training altogether. This lack of loyalty can have important consequences for both individual students and the martial arts community as a whole.
One possible explanation for the lack of loyalty of martial arts students is the changing nature of martial arts training. With the rise of mixed martial arts (MMA) and Jiu Jitsu competitions, martial arts training has become more focused on name-building and individual achievement. This can create a culture that values personal success over loyalty to one's teachers or the martial arts community. Don’t get me wrong, competition plays a vital role in student development…until it doesn’t. Students who were once hungry to be the best may start to jockey themselves for the best opportunity rather than the most difficult challenge in a bid for popularity or vanity. This can very easily lead to competitors that gain name recognition without the talent to accompany that recognition. When the end goal is to gain Instagram followers and sell seminars or online training curriculums over self-improvement, the student is lost.
Another factor may be the impact of technology and social media on martial arts training. While it's easier than ever to connect with new martial arts communities and training resources online, it can also make it harder to build deep and lasting connections with one's teachers and peers. Students may be more likely to switch schools or abandon their training altogether, rather than invest the time and effort needed to build a strong and long-lasting connection with the community as a whole.
So, what are the consequences of the lack of loyalty of martial arts students? When students are constantly switching schools or abandoning their training, it can be hard to build a sense of shared purpose or common identity. This can make it harder to build the camaraderie and support networks that are necessary for a healthy and fulfilling martial arts community.
In addition, the lack of loyalty can make it harder for students to progress in their training. When students abandon their training, they may miss out on important training opportunities or fail to build a solid foundation in their martial arts discipline. This can limit their ability to progress and achieve success in their martial arts practice.
Finally, the lack of loyalty can create a sense of moral relativism and cynicism in the martial arts community. When students feel that there are no lasting commitments or values to hold onto in martial arts training, they may be more likely to give up on ideals like respect, humility, or perseverance. This can create a sense of nihilism or apathy that can be harmful to both individual students and the martial arts community as a whole.
In some cases, martial arts students may choose opportunity over loyalty by opening up their own gyms or martial arts schools, without considering the impact that this may have on their former teachers or the martial arts community as a whole. While it's certainly possible to build a successful martial arts business, it's important to do so in a way that is respectful of one's teachers and peers. Students who step on their instructors’ toes or undermine their authority may be seen as disloyal or untrustworthy and may struggle to build lasting relationships within the martial arts community. It's important to balance the pursuit of opportunity with a sense of loyalty and respect for those who have helped us along the way.
In the most egregious cases, students will leave their current gym for another in a bid to be promoted faster, leading to scores of folks wearing belts they didn’t truly earn. Or they might open a gym around the corner from their teacher without putting any thought into how this could negatively impact the teacher’s business or their relationship with that teacher (if it was ever something they cared about in the first place).
The lack of loyalty of martial arts students is a complex phenomenon that reflects larger cultural, social, and historical trends. While it may be tempting to prioritize personal success over loyalty to one's teachers or martial arts community, it's important to consider the consequences of this trend and to work toward building stronger and longer-lasting connections. By prioritizing the needs and desires of others, being mindful of the impact of our choices on others, and acknowledging the importance of building enduring connections with our teachers and peers, we can create a thriving and fulfilling martial arts community.